Friday, December 9, 2011

Mainstream media finally on board.

Good work team Ritchie Parkette!
Press from the December issue of SNAP.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Councillor Perks Joins the Parade!

Good times Tuesday night! Thanks everyone (expecially to photographer Jeff Beardall) for coming out and carving a new event into what seems to have become Halloween week. Our local Councillor, Gord Perks, came by to check out the action and say hi to some of the neighbours. It was awesome to have politics come down to the ground and interact with the citizenry.

On the heels of his visit, the Friends of Ritchie Parkette are writing a letter to Gord expanding on what we talked about on Tuesday. I'll keep you abreast of any details. By the way, Gord also said that next year we should talk to him about pumpkin removal a month in advance of next year's parade. Whoops.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pumpkin Parade at Ritchie Parkette?

Are the post-Halloween blues getting you down? Are you tired of making the trek to Sorauren only to lose your kids in the dark? Have you had enough of the nutty Lord of the Flies-esque atmosphere of youthful chaos enclosed by flames? Well try the new Ritchie Parkette Pumpkin Parade on for size. Small, quaint and guaranteed to be a subtler affair than those of the one way street set. It could only be 7 pumpkins but hey...less it more right? Tonight at 7pm. Come one, come all.

Go, Go, Gadget Camera.

Big shout out to Lillian and Laura and everyone else that contributed. Its going to be hard to imagine it not becoming an annual event. Here are some more pics from the Snap photographer Arnold Caylakyan who was kind enough to share some of his shots for the upcoming Dec 1 article in print and on-line at

Unfortunately Gord Perks was not able to make it. But don't worry we'll try to get him out again next year so we can show him that lots of us care about our park and would really appreciate some of the improvements that we all feel are deserved. There is even some talk of a winter party so stay tuned...

Monday, October 31, 2011

Thanks For a Great Party

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Spook-tacular Halloween Bash at Ritchie Park.

This event was a success because of all of you who contributed and helped out during the party.

Look for photos in the December issue of SNAP. And a great thanks to Jeff for taking and distributing beautiful family photos! If anyone would like to share some photos please send us an email and we will post them!

We hope to see all of you again at our next event. Yank out your long underwear, there's talk of a winter wonderland/skating party...brrrr!

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Extravaganza Bonanza Spook-tacular Halloween Bash’

Halloween is on a Monday this year. What does that mean? It means parents will endure the weekend before that beloved Monday with their children incessantly asking, ‘is it Halloween yet? Is it Halloween yet? IsitHalloweenyet? Isihalwnyt?’

NO it’s not Halloween!! Halloween isn’t until MONDAY.

Fret not frazzled parents; we have the answer.

"The Extravaganza Bonanza Spook-tacular Halloween Bash’ at Ritchie Park

The Bash will be held on the weekend prior to Halloween. So parents can now declare, ‘no Halloween isn’t until Monday BUT we can go to The Extravaganza Bonanza Spook-tacular Halloween Bash TODAY! So climb off that wall, Junior….Mitzy, put down the electric knife…and slap on your Halloween costumes!’.

The Extravaganza Bonanza Spook-tacular Halloween Bash will be held on Saturday October 29th at 4pm (rain date is Sunday October 30th at 2pm). There will be crafts and games and rumour has it a mad scientist has left some jars filled with frightful specimens throughout the park-stick your hand in, if you dare!!!!

We’ll have some snacks and little prizes for all. Pizza and juice boxes will also be served.

‘What can I do to help?’ Please email Laura or Lillian below and we can offer suggestions! We are hoping to make this is a group effort and anything you can do (juggle, face painting, speak to the dead) or bring (nut free treats, craft thingies, Halloween games) to make this a success will be greatly appreciated!

So save the date, whip up a costume, and join us at Ritchie Park!!

Please email or for more information

Sunday, September 25, 2011

New sand coming (hopefully)

I wrote a letter to councillor Perks and our parks supervisor to inquire about 9 items where I felt the park could be improved. Peter White replied with the following email referencing 2 of my suggestions. The text is below:
Hello Joel,

Thank you for your email regarding Ritchie Parkette. I enjoyed meeting with you back in July and look forward to working with your group to facilitate improvements in the park. I am able to comment on a couple of your questions.

I have contacted Parks Construction to take a look at the pergola and determine wether it is safe and what would be involved in removing it.

I will request that the replacement of the playground sand be included in the 2012 Minor Capital budget. In the mean time I will see if there is anything we can do with the existing sand to improve the conditions.

If you do locate wasp nests in the park, please let me know and I can have them removed.

Thanks again for your interest in Ritchie Parkette. Please feel free to contact me if you require anything further.


Peter A. White
Parks Supervisor
Wards 14, 18 & 19
Phone: 392- 7945
Fax: 392- 4186

Monday, September 12, 2011

Become an author and post away

I've heard that a few people would like to post on the blog. You are welcome and encouraged to. Just email me at and I will make you an "author". I think you need a google account and if you don't have one it is a good excuse to join the 20th century. Plus it's free. I think "Blogger" which powers the blog has a free iPhone app so the Apple gang can post while watching the kids in the park. Cool!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Those who stand together shall slide together.

Welcome. A long time coming, the new Ritchie Parkette Blog is here to help us share experiences, complaints and suggestions concerning our little parkette at 77 Ritchie. Hopefully, our Councillor, Mayor, Parks Superintendent, and even the principal at Bishop Marrocco, will see that we care about our little community and together we can advocate to make it a better place. Feel free to join and post anything you wish.