Monday, October 31, 2011

Thanks For a Great Party

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Spook-tacular Halloween Bash at Ritchie Park.

This event was a success because of all of you who contributed and helped out during the party.

Look for photos in the December issue of SNAP. And a great thanks to Jeff for taking and distributing beautiful family photos! If anyone would like to share some photos please send us an email and we will post them!

We hope to see all of you again at our next event. Yank out your long underwear, there's talk of a winter wonderland/skating party...brrrr!

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Extravaganza Bonanza Spook-tacular Halloween Bash’

Halloween is on a Monday this year. What does that mean? It means parents will endure the weekend before that beloved Monday with their children incessantly asking, ‘is it Halloween yet? Is it Halloween yet? IsitHalloweenyet? Isihalwnyt?’

NO it’s not Halloween!! Halloween isn’t until MONDAY.

Fret not frazzled parents; we have the answer.

"The Extravaganza Bonanza Spook-tacular Halloween Bash’ at Ritchie Park

The Bash will be held on the weekend prior to Halloween. So parents can now declare, ‘no Halloween isn’t until Monday BUT we can go to The Extravaganza Bonanza Spook-tacular Halloween Bash TODAY! So climb off that wall, Junior….Mitzy, put down the electric knife…and slap on your Halloween costumes!’.

The Extravaganza Bonanza Spook-tacular Halloween Bash will be held on Saturday October 29th at 4pm (rain date is Sunday October 30th at 2pm). There will be crafts and games and rumour has it a mad scientist has left some jars filled with frightful specimens throughout the park-stick your hand in, if you dare!!!!

We’ll have some snacks and little prizes for all. Pizza and juice boxes will also be served.

‘What can I do to help?’ Please email Laura or Lillian below and we can offer suggestions! We are hoping to make this is a group effort and anything you can do (juggle, face painting, speak to the dead) or bring (nut free treats, craft thingies, Halloween games) to make this a success will be greatly appreciated!

So save the date, whip up a costume, and join us at Ritchie Park!!

Please email or for more information