Saturday, March 31, 2012

Egg Hunt!

This guy is coming to Ritchie Park on Good Friday

And this is what the park will look like at 2 pm that day

So if you want one of your kids to be grabbing some eggs from the limb of a tree come on down!!!!

Friday April 6th at 2 pm

Rain date will be Sat. April 7th at 2 pm

Kids can hunt down some plastic eggs filled with peanut free chocolates. They can also bash the crap out of an Easter egg pinata stuffed with small toys

And they can also decorate hand made bunny masks and run around the park smashing into each other because I didn't cut the eye holes properly

So come one, come all!!!

Any parent who can help set up please meet me in the park by 1:45 bunny costume optional

Questions? email me at

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

This is a test


Thanks for the rink, sorry for the weather.

On this glorious spring day I think it only fitting to bid farewell to the rink for another year. El nina certainly didn't help matters out this season with the warmest winter I can remember. The rink only had a few operational days but they were enjoyed by quite a few - including my daughter Camille who learned to skate. Instead of showing the pathetic shape of the rink as it lies in state today I thought I'd post a couple pics of happier days.

With equal billing taking effect, next winter we will have to come up with a solution for the increased water bill that our charitable neighbours next door will have to endure. We have a few sunshine-filled months to think about it though...