Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Learn how to flood a rink.

At the Fieldhouse in Sorauren Park this Thursday there will be a clinic on how to best maintain a park rink. Hopefully someone from Friends of Ritchie Parkette can attend to garner some tips and tricks in the zen of ice rink maintenance. Also, if you are interested in helping maintain the rink this winter (flooding and shoveling) reach out to us at friendsofritchieparkette@gmail.com

The Sorauren Hosers volunteer rink flooding crew has joined with Park People to co-host an interactive panel and discussion on natural ice rinks.

The event will feature ice rink volunteers from across the city sharing ideas and best practices.

Registration is free and Park People will serve hot chocolate. Please come!

Thursday, Dec. 12, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Sorauren Park Fieldhouse, 50 Wabash Avenue

Register here:
