Monday, November 17, 2014

Ritchie Ave. Art (Noise) Wall Public Consultation

Four shortlisted artists have been chosen for the art wall location at the end of Ritchie Avenue and on the West Toronto Rail Path.
You can join the community consultation to review the preliminary artwork of Elicser, Kwest, Oliver Pauk, and Paul Aloisi.
When: Monday November 24
Where: 2340 Dundas St. W. 3rd floor, suite 302 (Crossways Employment and Social Services)
When: 6pm – 8pm (presentations begin at 6:30)
Each artist will present their preliminary concept and then take your comments/feedback into consideration as they work towards a final submission.

If you cannot attend the community consultation you can review the concepts on our website at (good luck trying to find the actual concepts...the link is just a general one) between November 25 - December 2,and send in your feedback to
Learn more about the public art projects here.

Comment below if you find an actual link to share of the concepts.


  1. The designs can be seen and ordered at and come in a variety of price points. Click here to see the full line. Below are some of my favourites from the new collection. personalized wall stickers

  2. You can now see the four designs and concepts through this link:
